The Clean Fleet Guide
Features tools to help fleets make "green" vehicle and fuel decisions. Offers specs on available alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles, tools to perform cost analyses based on specific locations, and information on other technologies that can help improve fuel economy. In addition, users will find "clean fleet" strategies they can use to build their own green fleet.

National Biodiesel Board
The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) is the national trade association representing the biodiesel industry as the coordinating body for research and development in the United States.

National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition
The National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition is a non-profit membership organization that serves as the nation’s primary advocacy group promoting the use of 85% ethanol as a form of alternative transportation fuel.

Renewable Fuels Association
As the national trade association for the U.S. ethanol industry, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) promotes policies, regulations and research and development initiatives that will lead to the increased production and use of fuel ethanol.

Alternative Fuel Station Locator
This Station Locator displays public and private fueling stations that offer compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or propane), 85% ethanol (E85), electric, biodiesel, hydrogen, and liquefied natural gas (LNG). The results are displayed in a map with details for each station.

Plumbers in and around Louisiana
These are plumbers called 1-877-DRPIPES who are trying to make a difference, using clean fuel vehicles in Louisiana and Nation wide. Installations, Maintenance, Repair and Emergency plumbing services are available state wide across Louisiana as well as 100% nation wide coverage.

Alternative Fuels Data Center
The Alternative Fuels Data Center is a vast collection of information on alternative fuels and the vehicles that use them. This site has more than 3,000 documents in its database, an interactive fuel station mapping system, current listings of available alternative fuel vehicles, and lots of alternative fuels information and related links.

Incentives and Laws
This website finds state and federal laws and incentives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, air quality, fuel efficiency, and other transportation-related topics.

State Energy Office
The State Energy Office promotes the efficient use and management of energy in the state. It helps maximize Louisiana's energy potential by exploring all energy sources and by reducing current energy consumption through education, energy-use studies, and demonstrations of energy-efficient technologies. The Louisiana State Energy Office is located in the Technology Assessment Division of the Department of Natural Resources.

DNR Clean Cities
The Louisiana State Department of Natural Resources' site about Clean Cities.

DOE Clean Cities
The Department of Energy's site about Clean Cities.

New Orleans Coalition
The Greater New Orleans Clean Cities Coaltion.

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